Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Days Morph Into One

Bock marine in the early morning light
There has been a shift in moods over recent days and it seems that maybe we have turned a corner.  We are no longer living, eating and breathing clouds of paint dust and the first of many coats of new paint are being applied to the bare metal hull we have been working on.  We still have a long way to go and once the saloon gets put back together – sometime by the end of next week I hope – we still have other areas of the boat to work on.  But the most invasive work (I truly hope I won’t be eating my words) has been done. Whoop whoop!  You can’t believe how wonderful it is to have the boat cleaned up a works wonders on the soul.  In fact I’m sure I heard Sim muttering that he is enjoying himself and maybe we should get a bigger steel boat so that he can carry around all the necessary equipment that goes with maintaining it! Hah, it’s confirmed - He’s gone nuts!  But we no longer wake up in cold sweats or are shedding tears of fear and frustration at the enormity of the job before us and although we can’t quite see light at the end of the tunnel yet we are, dare I say it, starting to enjoy the ride!
Adding the stripe coats
We have had mounts welded to support our new water tank.  We can’t believe what a costly affair that has turned into – can you believe that one measly plastic elbow costs $23!  But that is nothing in comparison to our newly refurbished folding prop that came back so shiny, you’d think from the cost it was covered in gold.  But El Capitano seems happy with his mechanical toy.So while there isn't a whole heap to tell you as one day morphs into the next we are happy wielding our paintbrushes in the beautiful bucolic surroundings of Bock Marine that for now we call home.

Sim means business

Shining his shaft

WS getting a face-lift

The deer that roam free

So much land surrounds the yard

The bridge that crosses the ICW a stones throw from the yard

Yes I have a new camera with a sparkle setting - Yay :-)

And  water colour setting

So forgive me while I get a little carried away!

The kitty on one of her daily adventures


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Geoff and Pat, thanks for the kind words. Can you believe we have been here so long....just another month or so and we'll be outta here. Btw, I accidentally deleted your msg somehow. Not sure what happened there. Sorry. Take Care.xx

  2. Keep your chins up, we raise a glass to you both whilst sitting on our patio in France. At least we can keep one or two rooms reasonable clean whilst we are tearing the rest apart. Look forward to seeing you if you are ever this way xx

    1. Hey G & T!, Hope all your restoration work is coming along....we look forward to seeing it one day. Raising a glass back at you. Hugs.XXX

  3. Keep your chins up, we raise a glass to you both whilst sitting on our patio in France. At least we can keep one or two rooms reasonable clean whilst we are tearing the rest apart. Look forward to seeing you if you are ever this way xx
