Friday, September 26, 2014

9 1/2 Weeks.....And We're Still Here!

The view outside the boat is much better than the one inside 
I got it wrong and it seems I did speak too soon.  Sim and I have not been singing from the same song book. The sofa was not being put back together for me to luxuriously drape myself over, nor was it put back together so that as this weather gets colder we may have a little comfort from inside our boat – that I am currently dubbing the hull from hell.  No – the sofa was put back together so we may take another area of the boat apart and have somewhere to pile the stuff while we chip, scrape and grind more of that loathsome paint in areas that have not seen the light of day before.  I can’t tell you how disheartened I was when Sim told me (in no uncertain terms) that the inside wasn’t being put back together any time soon.  Honestly I don’t know how I got it so wrong – I mean he even proof read the previous blog.  Just goes to show that his mind is firmly fixed permanently on the job – to which I am grateful.  So as boring as it must be for you to read that we are still, chipping, sanding, grinding and painting – imagine how we feel? And add this to the mix; its getting cold and wet now too....
Lovely freshly painted bilges
  Now the weather has turned, the hot humid days are gone. It’s actually a great time to be working on the boat without dripping in sweat, only the days are damp and soggy and we can't paint as much as we would like. Come the evening we sit in the cockpit al fresco style with our hoodies up and our slippers on and rain plummeting down all around us, it isn’t quite so much fun. So although we are more aware then ever that we need to step up the pace before the weather really turns we have frustratingly slowed down a little. . Our blankets are out, our toes are cold even the cat is curling up in corners trying to keep warm. 

Sim replaces a couple of floorboards

But even though it has been tough at times as usual we have had fun.  John and Shirley from Khaya Moya are anchored 10 miles down the road (in the river of course, not the road) in Beaufort.  We have managed to meet up with them and bumped into our friend Jim from Opus out for a few days solo sailing as well.  Beers and catching the end of a free wine tasting with goodies to give away ensured a good evening.  Kay from ‘Bad Bunny’ is back and we have managed a few walks again between the showers. I still love the area especially now the colours are slowly starting to turn with autumn.  Sadly for us but great for Jon and Kay – Bad Bunny is re-launching at the end of the week.  I hope that we won’t be far behind them but I suspect we are going to be a while longer yet...
Only to pile stuff on top of it.

In an effort at dust prevention Sim is working under the sheet

Sim is a hero working in a tiny little space

It rained so much my shoes floated away

A Preying Mantas entertains the cat!

We had a great time catching up with John and Shirley

And a fab meal out 

The security officer has resigned until warmer weather

I still love to go for my walks and bike rides


  1. Hope you finish soon. its gonna get nasty very shortly I fear. Best of luck and keep smiling

  2. I am so glad we couldn't afford a steel boat - chins up you'll get there in the end and it will be worth it xx

  3. When Sim works under that sheet, make sure it keeps moving and he's not sleeping :)

  4. Thanks for all the encouraging words - and for making sure Sim hasn't dozed off. I'm cracking that whip so there is no chance of that :-)
