Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Full Moon Party Brings Out The Crazies.

There's nothing like a full moon to bring out all the crazies. And this full moon was no different. Benji Bay in Clark's Court was abuzz with party activity.....with live music including Soul Deef, Ruff Enuff and Country Dave and the pirates, bar and great BBQ food.

The talented Sarah from 'Steel Appeal' was there with her face paints and transformed us all into her fabulous creations.
My ghoulish side!
Vee from Bluesbreaker under UV light
Michael from 'Windward Star' - always the joker.
Enjoying the good food and music.
The talented Stan and Cora of Ruff Snuff and friends playing some funky tunes.
Sarah's fabulous creations
Vee and friend.
My 'scary' side.

The full moon in Hog Island anchorage.

1 comment:

  1. This looks like a really great event going on. i wish i would get one after i finish my work for essays uk. because i surely need one, after such a hectic week
