Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Time To Move On

Our time in George Town is drawing to an end, as is our time in the Bahamas. We wish we could stay. There are still so many islands to visit, so many places we wish we could see, so many people we love hanging out with. But time is pressing on and its not such a bad thing to leave a place wishing we could see a little more.

This last month in George Town has flown by. We achieved the work on the boat we set out to do and enjoyed our time here immensely. 

We've been in great company...

We've had enormous fun during the regatta, taking part in some of the festivities and events. 
Like the coconut challenge....
And the variety show..

We have loved all the walks....

And the glorious beaches...

The dazzling sunsets...

And our room with a view...


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Brenda, Great seeing you last night. As you know we've just left. Enjoy the rest of your sailing season and land based travels and we'll see you somewhere. Xx

  2. so nice to meet you! We found you from Bailey's blog and your life sounds so interesting that we just had to follow you!!! I can live vicariously through you! catchatwithcarenandcody

    1. Nice to meet you too. I'll be checking by your blog out too.

  3. Hi! Reading Bailey Boat Cat and I knew I saw your boat! We are Minx and we left Georgetown this morning. Where to next for you? We are slowly heading north up the Exuma chain and then to Eleuthra and Abacos! Say hi if you see us! We have a boat cat, too! Marmalade!

    1. Hi Tanya, we also just left but are heading south in the opposite direction back to the East Caribbean. But we'll be back one day - and we'll be able to say hi then. Xx
