Sunday, April 26, 2015

Current Cut To Spanish Wells, Eluethera

Wandering Star at anchor by Current Cut
We sailed up to the north end of Eleuthera and approached the entrance at Current Cut on a falling tide. Following our waypoints and watching out for the shoals we zoomed through at nearly 10kts.
Approaching Current Cut
Racing through Current Cut
Anchoring just to the north of the cut we spent the night off the pretty beach and walked over to the settlement of Current reportedly the oldest community on the island. It’s quite amazing the town is still there as when hurricanes pass through they drown the small strip of land in seawater most recently with the passage of hurricane Andrew in 1992.  But somehow they seem to rebuild and recover and are a perfect example of Bahamian life where not a lot seems to go on. 
The quiet and quaint town of Current
As we walked through the pretty village, we barely saw another soul.  There was a man sitting on some steps to his porch and a couple of fishermen cleaning their days catch down on the dock. Apart from that all we felt was the relentless heat and wondered how we have managed to stay so long in these hot and humid countries.
The beautiful clear water of Current.
It’s that time of year again when the temperatures start to rise.  The weather becomes more unsettled.  Already we have had the thunderstorms and seen the waterspouts that the summer months bring.  We spend more time inside the boat to avoid the heat of the day; the outside is so hot the decks burn the bare soles of our feet.
The white spray on the water you can see is the result of a water spout developing above it.
We moved on to Spanish Wells the following day. I have heard about this place for many years and been keen to visit so I was a little surprised when Spanish Wells turned out to be a strange sort of place. There is nothing I can quite place my finger on to explain this; the people seem friendly enough and the sparsely spread out town is cute. There is just something not quite right about it.  I admit we have not spent a lot of time there. Unfortunately I accidentally deleted my photos of Spanish Town but I suspect we might be passing back through so maybe the place will grow on us. The settlement is mostly white folk who are deeply religious with a long fishing history. The insular town is made up of two hundred year old houses.  The anchorage offers protection from the east but it’s not much to look at.  With the fluky winds we have been having we have preferred to anchor over by Meeks Patch where we can swim in the sea and walk on the beaches.  We took the kayaks out and snorkelled some of the coral heads close to shore where we were anchored
Walking the beach at Meeks Patch

This area hasn’t turned out quite as I expected it but the reason we are here is to see if we can make it through the perilous passage of the Devils Backbone preferably by ourselves and without the help of a pilot and to the infamous Harbour Island – Land of the rich and famous with pink sand beaches and a chic harbourside.
Small areas of coral and weed are dotted in the shallows at Meeks Patch

A cute little squid

Lots of rays

As well as the hot humid days we had had dark thunderous days as well.

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