Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Hello Bahamas!

A warm breeze blows gently across the boat, the sun is shining but it’s not overly hot - the days since arriving in the Bahamas have been nothing but blue and balmy.  Our Gulf Stream crossing (the fast moving body of water between the USA and the Bahamas) was benign – we had to motor but we would rather that then the ugly scene Mother Nature can throw across there on a stormy day. 
We arrived in the Northern Abaco's a few days ago and rested for the night at Great Sale Cay.  Full sails, blue skies dotted with fluffy white clouds and a balmy 15kt breeze were our welcome the following day and so far it’s been glorious. 
We officially cleared into Green Turtle Cay, anchoring off the small town – not needing to take a marina as so many other Customs and immigration offices require in the Bahamas.  We are now all legal.
The weather has been fab – we can’t quite believe it knowing well that nasty fronts often plague this area.  Khaya Moya is still with us and together we have explored the deserted islands and beaches at Crab Cay, Powell Cay and Manjack Cay.  Having both purchased new kayaks we have been paddling ashore every day spending hours walking and beach-combing on spectacular beaches.  What a contrast it is to the States less than 100 miles away. The nights skies have been magnificently clear with every star sparkling in all their glory.  This is the Bahamas at its best - but we know it can easily change with a current forecast predicting a bit of a blow for Christmas day, so we will make the most of it while we can.

Goodbye America.....until the nest time.

Oh my goodness not another sunset!

Sim and John collecting the flotsam and jettison washed ashore- 
we've found five hardhats to date!

My new 'pink' kayak at Crab Cay - I love it!

Sims new (more manly green) kayak

Wandering Stat at anchor at Crabs Cay - 
Note the jagged rocks - hard soles required for walking over these.

A hard days work deserves a beer at Powell Cay

Enjoying the sunshine

The beaches on Powell Cay are stunning.

The sea biscuit was bigger then my hand!

Despite its appealing look the sea is quite chilly!

Lots of small conch shells litter the beaches

Sitting down for a beach picnic at Powell Cay

Powell Cay again - reminding me a little of Driftwood Beach in Georgia,USA

Best purchases we have made in a while - So much fun.

We have braved the water a couple of times - 
these mangrove jellyfish cover the seabed in all shapes and sizes

The amazing beaches at Manjack Cay

More Manjack Cay

The ubiquitous conch shell

And this beauty found by John

John sitting on a directors chair left on top of a rock at Manjack Cay

More Manjack Cay

Shirley with her new tandem kayak

The sea is so clear this was taken from above the water - shame its so cold!

Wandering Star happy to be back in warmer climes.

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