Friday, November 29, 2013

Rodney Bay, St Lucia - Whats Not To Like

Pigeon Island, Rodney Bay
We have been in Rodney Bay St Lucia a little over a week; it’s a comfortable stopping place while we wait for a fairer wind on our journey north.  But I can never truly decide if I like it here or not.  I mean, its a Caribbean island, right - whats not to like? Over the past five years we have spent a lot of time here on our way north and south each season, probably clocking up almost a year in total. But there is something I just can’t lay my finger on that keeps me from embracing this island as one of my favourites.

It is convenient for supermarkets that sell a lot of westernized or what would be considered luxury goods – treats for us.  There are two small malls or shopping centres for when you need that shopping fixed denied you by less developed islands.  The hardware and marine store are not unreasonable for those all important boaty bits.  The large marina is home to the ARC – the largest rally of cruising boats crossing the Atlantic.  It has good facilities including bars and restaurants and a boatyard that we have hauled at twice.  The fuel dock is easy and convenient to use.  The bay (when you can find a patch of sand amongst all the rubble to anchor in) is well protected in most conditions.  It does not suffer as much as other places from those awful swells that rock the boat violently around the clock making life miserable.  The beaches are nice, if a little touristy (we’re not tourists – right!). 
Beach by The Landings Resort
But you can’t swim far from your boat without getting run over by a jet ski or paraglider  or some other hi speed boat.  The lovely picturesque Pigeon Island (that have Sims favourite lamb rotis at Jambe de bois) charge during the day to walk around.  The noise (read socca music) at the weekend from Gros Islet goes on until four in the morning.  (Of course you know that water carries sound especially down wind). But maybe I’m just getting old. Everything must be locked and although everyone is very friendly there is that ever so slightly sinister undertone.  Though I am very fond of St Lucia for many reasons – it is a beautiful island, it will never be a favourite and will always just be the place that we stop at on the way south or north as we travel the island chain. That said, Sim disagrees; "they sell a wicked steak at a fair price at the supermarket" so he’s always happy to be here!

Pirate ship

The boat that delivers fruit and veg to your boat

The fisherman's dock

Pigeon Island

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